
Robert Jankowiak, Marcin Kurek

The early stages of fungal succession in Pinus sylvestris phloem and sapwood infested by Tomicus piniperda

Dendrobiology 2006, vol. 56: 27-36 Full text (pdf)

Abstract: Fungal invasion of Scots pine phloem and sapwood was investigated during a period of 15 weeks following attack by the pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (L.). The study was conducted in Mielec-Mościska, where the pine trees were heavily damaged by shot-feeding of T. piniperda. In order to determine the species richness and occurrence frequency of fungi associated with T. piniperda in temporal succession, living and trap trees infested by T. piniperda were used. Results revealed great diversity of fungi associated with T. piniperda, including 3758 cultures and 57 fungi species. The most important groups of fungi were the blue-stain fungi and molds, including mainly Penicillium, Trichoderma and Mucor genera. Among ophiostomatoid fungi, Ophiostoma minus and O. piceae were the dominant species. Occasionally isolated species were Leptographium lundbergii, L. procerum, L. wingfieldii, Graphium pycnocephalum and Graphium sp. ‘W’. Molds and pathogenic O. minus were the first invaders of both phloem and sapwood, however molds were more frequently isolated from phloem and sapwood at a depth of 5 mm. Ophiostoma piceae and L. lundbergii followed O. minus in the sapwood invasion. These species were successively replaced by L. wingfieldii, L. procerum and Graphium species in the later stages of fungal invasion in pine sapwood.

Additional key words:  

blue-stain fungi, molds, ophiostomatoid fungi.




























































































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