61s: 131-136

Monika Konnert

Genetic variation of Picea abies in southern Germany as determined using isozyme and STS markers

Dendrobiology 2009, vol. 61 supplement: 131-136

Full text (pdf)


Abstract: Over 50 populations of Norway spruce from Bavaria were analysed at 23 isozyme gene loci. The mean genetic distances between these populations were quite small. A geographical grouping could not be observed, and discrimination between provenances from high and low altitudes was not identifiable using this marker type, either. The only difference between spruce populations from South Bavaria and those from Northeast Bavaria is in the presence of some distinct rare alleles. The highest values for the genetic diversity were detected for spruce stands in Northeast Bavaria (Frankonian Forest). Using STS markers, further genes of the nuclear genome of Picea abies can be dealt with. The genetic differences found on the basis of ten STS markers between different Picea abies seed lots and/or seedling populations are generally 2-3 times greater than those found by means of isozyme gene markers. DNA markers turned out to be an appropriate and substantial addition or even more a suitable alternative to isozyme markers for analysing genetic variation and testing provenance identity. Their advantages consist in a markedly wider variation as well as in the enlarged genome segments investigated.

Additional key words: Norway spruce, genetic variation, isozymes, STS markers


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