61s: 39-52

Janusz Sabor, Helena Stanuch

Assessment of the height growth of Picea abies as related to the geographical regions of Krutzsch (IPTNS-IUFRO 1964/68, years 1969-1988)

Dendrobiology 2009, vol. 61 supplement: 39-52

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Abstract: The juvenile height growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) was studied in 1095 spruce provenances included in the IUFRO inventory provenance test of 1964/68. Trees growing on the experimental site established in Krynica in the Beskid Sądecki Mts. (Carpathians) were measured at ca. 3-year intervals in the period 1969-1988, from the age of 6 years (i.e. 2 years of planting) to 25 years. The variability of tree height in this spruce population was assessed on the basis of the means expressed in units of standard deviation, calculated for each provenance and each geographical region of Krutzsch in successive years of measurement. Using the standardised units made it possible to characterise the dynamics of spruce growth in provenances from 95 geographical regions representing the whole European range of the species. The effects of geographical region, tree age and their interaction on the variability of height growth within this range were estimated using multi-way analysis of variance with replicated measurements. The regions showing similar spruce growth trends were grouped by using hierarchical cluster analysis. The results on the juvenile dynamics of height growth showed that spruce provenances from various geographical regions of Krutzsch differ significantly in their genetic reactivity. Based on this, several groups of regions were identified: (1) regions with average or weak but stable spruce growth characterised by no significant effects of age or genotype × age interaction in the whole measuring period, or regions with height growth improving with age; (2) regions of spruce provenances constituting a selection elite, with very good height growth in the whole measuring period or in its later part, characterised by no G × A interaction; (3) regions with varied genetic reactivity of height growth dynamics in the juvenile period, and regions of Scandinavian populations with poorest height growth in the whole measuring period. The studies proved that spruce provenances from the regions of Štiavnické Pohorie, Low Tatras (Slovakia), Masurian Lakeland, Augustów Lakeland, Podlasie, Silesian Beskid Mts., Beskid Żywiecki Mts. (Poland), Jutland (Denmark), Bihor Mts., Transylvania, and Eastern Carpathians (Romania) have a high selection value.

Additional key words: Norway spruce, provenance, genetic reactivity, selection value


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