64: 13-18

Wojciech Ejankowski

Seedling recruitment in peat bogs in contrasting hydrologic conditions

Dendrobiology 2010, vol. 64: 13-18

Full text (pdf)


Abstract: The study examined the effect of variation in hydrology on seedling recruitment of shrubs, trees and herbs in peat bogs. The establishment of plants and hydrologic conditions were followed in two peatlands in the Polesie Zachodnie region, Eastern Poland. Meteorological conditions in the study sites ranged from very dry (2006) to very wet (2007) and strongly affected ground water level in the bogs. The emergence of woody species typical for advanced vegetation succession was higher in forest-bog, while the recruitment of typical peat bog plants was higher in open bog. Disturbance in the vegetation positively influenced emergence of typical peat bog species and Betula pubescens, but the effect was only foundin the dry year. Only in Pinus sylvestris did recruitment increase in wet seasons. The results suggested that an increase in the number of woody species in peat bogs may be enhanced during relatively wet seasons and that disturbance in the vegetation cover are not required for seedling recruitment of these plants.

Additional key words: Betula pubescens, disturbance, ground water level, Pinus sylvestris.



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