69: 21-30

Elżbieta Myśkow, Beata Zagórska-Marek

Dynamics of the ray pattern in cambium of Diospyros lotus

Dendrobiology 2013, vol. 69: 21-30

Full text (pdf)


Abstract: Cambial rays, give rise to phloem and xylem rays. This way they affect the efficiency of a radial conducting system in a tree. Both, frequency of rays and their arrangement on the expanding cambial surface must be precisely controlled during tree ontogeny. The main aim of this research was to analyse the changes in the ray arrangement of Diospyros lotus L. cambium during transition from its nonstoried to double–storied structure. In order to trace the history of cambial ray dynamics, the behaviour of wood rays was followed in successive annual rings. Special attention was paid to developmental events, such as initiation and elimination of rays as well as their splitting and uniting. Moreover, the additions and eliminations of ray cell initials at the both opposite ray margins were followed. The most evident was the initial split of high primary rays into the smaller parts and their subsequent separation concurrent with the increase in cambial girth during the first years of a tree ontogeny. Between the existing rays new secondary rays were initiated by segmentation of fusiform initials. These all developmental events led to the formation of a double-storied pattern. In addition, the recurrent uniting and splitting of rays indicated their permanent rearrangement and the dynamic maintenance of a general pattern. The presented data are discussed in light of the processes occurring in cambial rays that lead to the storied pattern formation, which in turn may affect the mechanical properties of the wood.

Additional key words: cambial rays, double-storied cambium, ray development, ray initiation


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