71: 59-71

Lukáš Bílek, Jiří Remeš, Vilém Podrázský, Dusan Rozenbergar, Jurij Diaci, Daniel Zahradník

Gap regeneration in near-natural European beech forest stands in Central Bohemia – the role of heterogeneity and micro-habitat factors

Dendrobiology 2014, vol. 71: 59-71

Full text (pdf)

Abstract: Gap regeneration in a European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest reserve was analyzed in relation to within-gap resource heterogeneity and ground vegetation competition. The study was carried out in two one-hectare permanent research plots (PRP) which included five smaller research plots (RP) encompassing two large gaps (500–700 m2), two small gaps (300–400 m2), and location under canopy. The coverage of woody regeneration, ground vegetation, dead wood, seedling density in eight height classes, characteristics of dominant trees of the beech regeneration, and the total thickness of holorganic horizons were measured. Soil moisture and light conditions were also assessed in selected sample plots. The relative direct and dif­fuse light was estimated by hemispherical photography. Small gaps showed both the highest cover of tree regeneration and the highest density of individuals per hectare. Slightly less regeneration was recorded in large gaps, while under closed canopy, regeneration densities were 5–10 times lower than in small gaps. Beech regeneration cover and the size (diameter and height) of dominant beech seedlings were positively related to relative diffuse light and negatively related to ground vegetation cover. The latter was positively related to diffuse light and soil moisture content. A pronounced statistically significant contrast in the cover and size of beech regeneration in relation to micro-site conditions (diffuse light, cover of graminoids) was only confirmed between sample plots located below canopy cover and those within gaps. Graminoids, in particular Calamagrostis epigejos L., occurred mainly in the large gap centre and along the southernmost edge of the large gap, increasing competition for resources here. The cumulative cover of ground vegetation and regeneration was relatively low (9–56%) compared with more mesic natural beech forests. The indicated negative influence of direct light at the northern gap edge suggests that extension of gaps on comparable sites in managed forest should not proceed in this direction.

Additional key words: Fagus sylvatica, natural regeneration, ground vegetation, resource heterogeneity, competition


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