72: 177-186

Aneta H. Baczewska, Wojciech Dmuchowski, Adam Jozwiak, Darek Gozdowski, Paulina Brągoszewska, Piotr Dąbrowski, Ewa Swiezewska

Effect of salt stress on prenol lipids in the leaves of Tilia 'Euchlora'

Dendrobiology 2014, vol. 72: 177-186

Full text (pdf)

Abstract: Soil contamination caused by the NaCl used to de-ice slippery roads in winter is now recognized as one of the major causes of nutrient disorders and death in urban trees. It is believed that polyisoprenoids may have a specific role in the adaptation of plants to adverse conditions and habitats; it is further believed that in the cell, they may exhibit a protective effect in response to biotic and abiotic stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of salt stress on the content of prenol lipids in the leaves of Crimean linden (Tilia 'Euchlora'). The Cl content in the slightly damaged ("healthy") leaves averaged 0.96%, while that in the heavily damaged ("sick") leaves averaged 2.02%. The leaves of control trees contained on average 0.57% Cl. The Na contents in the healthy and damaged leaves were 208 mg/kg and 1038 mg/kg, respectively, and the Na content in the control areas was 63 mg/kg. A mixture of polyprenols consisting of four compounds, prenol-9, prenol-10, prenol-11 and prenol-12, was identified in the leaves of Crimean linden. This mixture was dominated by prenol-10 (2.16–6.90 mg/g). The polyprenol content was highest in the leaves of "healthy" trees (approximately 13.31 mg/g), was lower in the case of "sick" trees (approximately 9.18 mg/g), and was the lowest in the control trees (mean 4.71 mg/g). No changes were observed in the composition of the mixture of polyprenols under these conditions. The results suggest that polyprenols may affect the accumulation of Cl in leaves. This phenomenon is evidenced by the high content of prenols in the leaves of trees considered "healthy" but growing under conditions of increased soil salinity and the lower content of prenols in the leaves of the "sick" and control trees. It is advisable to further investigate the role of prenol lipids in the leaves of trees subjected to salt stress.

Additional key words: polyprenols, salt stress, de-icing urban trees, linden


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