73: 91-101

Zuzana Špinlerová
Determination of the biomass of Pinus mugo stands

Dendrobiology 2015, vol. 73: 91-101

Full text (pdf)

Abstract: The dwarf pine stands on unoriginal sites in mountainous areas of the Czech Republic are a current topic of scientific discussion. One of these sites is on the summits of the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. Var­ious proposals for dwarf pine removal have been hindered by the absence of charts or tables that could be used to calculate how much biomass would need to be removed. Therefore, we created a methodology for dwarf pine biomass determination and applied it to five research transects of different ages. Based on the biomass estimates, we created trend curves illustrating the increase in biomass (dependent on age) as well as equations that could be used to roughly estimate the biomass of any dwarf pine stand, regardless of age or canopy level, for sites above the timberline in Hrubý Jeseník Mts. The equations for biomass calculations could also be applied to other mountain ranges where artificially planted dwarf pines of the same seed ori­gin or the same morphological appearance as those existing in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. are found.

Additional key words: dwarf pine, aboveground biomass, issue of indigeneity (originality problem), re­moval


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