74: 109-122

Anna K. Jasińska, Beata Rucińska, Gregor Kozlowski, Sébastien Bétrisey, Hajiaga Safarov, Krystyna Boratyńska, Adam Boratyński
Morphological differentiation of leaves in the relict tree Zelkova carpinifolia (Ulmaceae)

Dendrobiology 2015, vol. 74: 109-122

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Zelkova carpinifolia is a relict tree occurring in refugial zones of south-western Eurasia. The main aim of the study was the biometrical comparison of the leaf characteristics of the species sampled in three regions of Transcaucasia. We aimed to test the hypotheses that (1) leaves from vegetative (L) shoots would be larger and more variable than those from fertile (S) shoots, (2) the leaves from the same shoot type express geographic patterns of morphological differentiation, similar to pattern described for genetic markers and (3) to verify the systematic position of Z. hyrcana and Z. carpinifolia subsp. yomraensis. The plant material was collected from 5 populations of Z. carpinifolia, one of Z. hyrcana and one of Z. carpinifolia subsp. yomraensis. The total 1482 leaves, 713 from L- and 769 S-type were measured using 26 characters. Our results show very high level of differences between leaves from the L- and S-type of shoots. The majority of leaf characters did not reveal dependence neither on geographic latitude, longitude and altitude nor on the basic climatic data. The results of multivariate analyses of S leaves revealed three group of populations, namely from (1) Colchis, (2) eastern Caucasus (3) Talysh. Thus, our biometric analyses revealed similar pattern to the haplotypic differentiation of Z. carpinifolia detected using chloroplast markers described in the literature. We did not detected significant differences in the leaf characters between supposed Z. hyrcana and/or Z. carpinifolia subsp. yomraensis, when compared to Z. carpinifolia, thus not confirming their separate taxonomic status.

Additional key words: biogeography, biometry, leaf morphology, plant variation, taxonomy, Talysh, Transcaucasia



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