76: 91-104

Izabela L. Kałucka, Andrzej M. Jagodziński
Successional traits of ectomycorrhizal fungi in forest reclamation after surface mining and agricultural disturbances: A review

Dendrobiology 2016, vol. 76: 91-104

Full text (pdf)


Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi and their symbiotic associations with forest trees are among major drivers of key ecosystem functions such as carbon and nitrogen cycling, plant nutrient and water uptake from soil, plant-plant facilitation/competition and diversity regulation via common mycorrhizal networks. Through their functional traits and interactions with both abiotic and biotic environment, they also significantly affect the process of open land colonization by trees as well as vegetation succession coupled with soil and ecosystem development. Here we review the role of ECM fungi in the early primary and secondary succession following major anthropogenic disturbances. Based on the examples of mine spoils and post-agricultural lands, we demonstrate key ecosystem services provided by ECM fungi in the processes of forest restoration. We point out ecological mechanisms and adaptations which underpin ECM fungal community successional interactions, particularly life histories, dispersal, spatial structure, host preferences, and sensitivity to environmental filters. We emphasize the need of better understanding the role of ECM fungi in the forest restoration practice as it seems crucial for afforestation success and biodiversity rehabilitation. Thus, ectomycorrhizal traits should be a prime consideration in afforestation and carbon sequestration polices, sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation practices.

Keywords: primary succession, secondary succession, mine spoils, post-agricultural lands, afforestation, ecosystem services


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