86: 8-18

Simón Sandoval, Jorge Cancino, Eduardo Acuña, Rafael Rubilar


Predicting parameters of Weibull probability density function for diametric distributions in A. melanoxylon, E. camaldulensis, and E. nitens bioenergy plantation


Dendrobiology 2021, vol. 8: 8-18

Full text (pdf)


Precise modeling of stand diameter distributions is required to provide accurate estimates of volume per diameter class and unit area. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the most accurate probability density functions parameters estimates to predict stand diameter distribution in time. We evaluate two methods to estimate the parameters of the Weibull probability density function in the modeling of diameter distributions of bioenergy plantations. The methods considered a direct method of parameter prediction based on regression models (PPRM) and an indirect method of parameter recovery through the determi­nation of percentiles (PRDP). Both methods are considered systems of linear equations and are adjusted through simultaneous estimation of parameters using stand variables. The greatest precision was obtained with PPRM. The PRDP method was not effective in the prediction of diameter distributions due to the high level of truncation of the observed distributions showing an overestimation of the distribution for the largest diameter classes. Estimated parameters of the Weibull PDF are directly related to mean height, quadratic mean diameter, and crop age; and are inversely related to stocking.

Keywords:  Short-rotation crops, stocking, seemingly unrelated regression, parameters recovery, biomass


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