Uprawnieni użytkownicy

Agnieszka Szuba

dr Agnieszka Szuba Polish Academy of Sciences


Dr Agnieszka Szuba


Laboratory of Proteomics

Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences

Parkowa 5, PL-62-035 Kornik, Poland
Tel.: +48-618170033
Fax: +48-618170166
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Research interests

  • Plant cell wall proteomics.
  • Posttranscriptional modifications of proteins caused by nitric oxide (especially S-nitrosylation and nitration).
  • Influence of nitric oxide on plant cell wall - plasma membrane - cytoskeleton (WMC) continuum.
  • Woody plant proteomics.
  • Analysis, at the molecular level, the impact of mycorrhizae on poplar (Populus x canescens) microcuttings growing in the presence of lead. We analyze, in particular, proteomic changes and changes in the profiles of phenolic compounds in order to determine biomarkers of tolerance. 


Current projects

  • Phytoremediation of contaminated soil (including industrial wastewater and heavy metals contamination).
  • Poplar proteomics.
  • Analysis of the impact of ectomycorrhizal fungi on the tolerance of poplar to the lead - the proteomic and metabolomic approach.




  • Szuba A., Marczak Ł., Ratajczak I. 2020. Metabolome adjustments in ectomycorrhizal Populus × canescens associated with strong promotion of plant growth by Paxillus involutus despite a very low root colonization rate. Tree Physiology. (accepted) DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpaa100
  • Szuba A. 2020. Jak 'ekologicznie' pozbyć się metali ciężkich i innych zanieczyszczeń ze skażonego środowiska - czyli do czego służy fitoremediacja. Przegląd Lesniczy, 8/2020 (350/xxx): 7-9.
  • Szuba A., Marczak Ł., Kozłowski R. 2020. Role of the proteome in providing phenotypic stability in control and ectomycorrhizal poplar plants exposed to chronic mild Pb stress Environ Poll 264: 114585
  • Szuba A. 2020. Jak drzewa odpowiadają na stres? Las Polski 15-16: 18-20
  • Szuba A., Marczak Ł., Ratajczak I., Kasprowicz-Maluski A., Mucha J. 2020. Integrated proteomic and metabolomic analyses revealed molecular adjustments in Populus × canescens colonized with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus, which limited plant host growth. Environmental Microbiology 22 (9): 3754-3771‐2920.15146
  • Szuba A. 2020. Jak drzewa odpowiadają na stres? Las Polski 15-16: 18-20
  • Szuba A., Marczak Ł., Karliński L., Mucha J., Tomaszewski D. 2019. Regulation of the leaf proteome by inoculation of Populus × canescens with two Paxillus involutus isolates differing in root colonization rates. Mycorrhiza doi: 10.1007/s00572-019-00910-5
  • Szuba A., Karliński L., Krzesłowska M. Hazubska-Przybył T. 2016. Inoculation with a Pb-tolerant strain of Paxillus involutus improves growth and Pb tolerance of Populus × canescens under in vitro conditions Plant Soil Epub ahead of print. DOI 10.1007/s11104-016-3062-3
  • Szuba A., Lorenc-Plucińska G. 2015. Utilization of proteomics in experimental field conditions — A case study of poplars growing on grassland affected by long-term starch wastewater irrigation. Journal of Proteomics 126: 200-217.
  • Szuba A., Kasprowicz-Maluśki A., Wojtaszek P. 2015. Nitration of plant apoplastic proteins from cell suspension cultures. Journal of Proteomics 120: 158-168
  • Szuba A. 2015. Ectomycorrhiza of Populus. Forest Ecology and Management 347: 156-169.
  • Szuba A., Wojakowska A., Lorenc-Plucińska G. 2013. An optimized method to extract poplar leaf proteins for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis guided by analysis of polysaccharides and phenolic compounds. Electrophoresis doi: 10.1002/elps.201300223.
  • Szuba A., Wojtaszek P. 2010. [Structural modification of proteins induced by nitric oxide.] Postepy Biochem 56(2): 107-14. in Polish.
  • Kasprowicz A., Szuba A., Volkmann D., Baluska F., Wojtaszek P. 2009. Nitric oxide modulates dynamic actin cytoskeleton and vesicle trafficking in a cell type-specific manner in root apices. J Exp Bot 60: 1605-1617.
  • Kasprowicz A., Kierzkowski D., Maruniewicz M., Derba-Maceluch M., Rodakowska E., Zawadzki P., Szuba A., Wojtaszek P. 2008. Mechanical Integration of Plant Cell. In: Baluszka F., Plant-Environment Interactions from Behavioural Perspective, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 1-21
  • Rodakowska E., Derba-Maceluch M., Kasprowicz A., Zawadzki P., Szuba A., Kierzkowski D., Wojtaszek P. 2008. Signaling and Cell Walls. In: Baluska F., Signaling in Plants, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 173-195.





  • Ettan TM Spot Picker Introduction, GE Healthcare: 2011, Kornik, Poland
  • Workshop: “Biomolecules - Identification and Function”: 2008, Krakow, Poland
  • GCT Premier Operator Training Course (Waters): 2008, Poznan, Poland
  • Bruker Polska: User’s Meetings: 2006, 2007, Poznan, Poland
  • III Poznan Summer School of Biorinormatics: 2004, Poznan, Poland







Born in Poznan, Poland

Marital Status: Married, 1 daughter (born 2010), 1 son (born 2013)


M.Sc. in Biotechnology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland  Diploma thesis on "Fungal endophyte Epichloë typhina in host populations of Puccinellia distans: detection using molecular biology techniques”


Volunteer at Molecular Biology Techniques Laboratory,  Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland 


Ph.D. in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland

Ph.D. thesis on "Analysis of  plant cell wall - cell membrane - cytoskeleton continuum protein modifications induced by nitric oxide”

Since 2010

Full position at Laboratory of Proteomics, Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kornik, Poland

But also (not only science…):


Quality Department, Wyborowa S.A. (member of Pernod Ricard group), Poznan, Poland


Quality Assurance Department, Kompania Piwowarska S.A. (member of SABMiller group), Poznan, Poland




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