Trees of the World


English name: TREE OF HEAVEN alt
Latin name: Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle
Natural habitat: north-eastern China
Height: 20-30 m
Characteristics: It is a fast growing tree, often developing root offshoots. The bark is smooth, light gray, with longitudinal bright stripes. The twigs are thick, brown-yellow, lightly pubescent. Leaves grow as long as 60 cm, even up to one meter on coppice shoots! The leaves consist of 11-25 leaflets, which have a few blunt teeth at the base, each with a gland. After being rubbed, the glands emit an unpleasant odor. The leaves develop late during spring, in May, at first they are reddish, but remain green until very late autumn and fall after the first frost. Inflorescens are green-white, up to 20 cm long, they appear in June and July. The Tree of Heaven is dioecious, which means there are male and female individuals. The fruit is a nut surrounded by an elongated wing, which turns red as it ripens. The Tree of Heaven is highly resistant to air pollution, drought and soil salinity.
Additional information: The species has been planted since 1751 in the entire Europe. Fresh bark is a strong bactericidal and bacteriostatic agent. In China, it is used to treat diarrhea and as an emetic.








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