Trees of the World


English name: DOVE TREE alt
Latin name:     Davidia involucrata Baill.
Natural habitat: Western China

in its natural habitat: up to 20 m, in Poland only up to 5-8 m

Characteristics: A small tree with a regular cone-shaped crown. Broad oval leaves are up to 14 cm long, cordate at the base and have an acuminate apex, and are pubescent on the underside. In spring, young leaves are brown and change color to yellow in autumn. The Dove Tree's flowers are in bloom in May and June, and are extraordinarily pretty. Each flower head has a pair of large pure white bracts at the base performing the function of petals. One of them is always longer, the other being shorter by almost a half. Fruit is a yellow and green drupe, about 3.5 cm long, similar to a plum. The Dove Tree is very susceptible to frost and requires a sheltered place. In Poland, it may only be grown in the western regions.
Additional information:

The Dove Tree is sometimes called a “tree of spirits” or a “handkerchief tree” owing to its appearance when in full bloom. It was discovered in 1869 in Mu-Pin (Sichuan) by Armand David, a French missionary.







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