Trees of the World


English name: LARGE-LEAVED LIME alt
Latin name: Tilia platyphyllos Scop.
Natural habitat: Central and South Europe as well as the Caucasus, Poland is the northern boundary of its range
Height: up to 35 m
Characteristics: Tree with a broad, cone shaped crown, often with hanging down low branches. Oval and egg shaped leaves are up to 12 cm long, cordate at the base, with tufts of white hair in the vein angles. In autumn the leaves turn yellow. Flowers are light-yellow, usually three in each hanging down inflorescence. It blooms the earliest of all limes, in mid June. The fruit is a thick-skinned nut with five distinct ribs.
Additional information: Since time immemorial, Large-leaved Lime was planted near houses in cities and in villages. It is a long-lived tree, its life span is up to 500 years, during which the tree achieves great height. Young trees are highly resistant to trimming and can be easily shaped. Large-leaved Lime wood is light and soft, it is widely used in woodcarving, to make draft boards, clogs and baskets. Flowers supply bees with nectar and pollen, they also have healing properties. Many church sculptures and altars were made out of lime wood (among others, the altar by Veit Stoss).








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