Trees of the World


English name: CAUCASIAN WINGNUT alt
Latin name:     Pterocarya fraxinifolia (Poir.) Spach
Natural habitat:

the Caucasus Mountains and southern coast mountain regions of the Caspian Sea

Height: 20-30 m
Characteristics: Tree with many trunks and root offshoots. Outer bark is dark gray, deeply grooved. Leaves usually consist of 11-25 leaflets, they are up to 40-60 cm in length. Male flowers are clustered in cylindrical catkins which grow on twigs from the previous year, while female flowers grow in April on top of the current year's twigs. As they develop, their axis lengthens up to 60 cm! Small nuts develop in September and October, and are surrounded with a pair of wings. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow or fall while still green. Remaining long seed catkins decorate the tree. The Caucasian Wingnut prefers moist soil, preferably next to water. Older trees are usually frost resistant, but frost may still destroy young leaves.
Additional information: The Caucasian Wingnut was brought to Europe in 1782. The nut with wings resembles an elephant's head.







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