
Maciej Filipiak

Age structure of natural regeneration of European silver-fir (Abies alba Mill.)in the Sudety Mts.

Dendrobiology 2002, vol. 48: 09-14 Full text (pdf)

Abstract: In this paper, is presented data on the abundance and age structure of natural regeneration of silver fir in permanent plots in Sudety Mts. In the studied plots the abundance of fir seedlings is usually markedly lower than in the well-regenerating Carpathian forest stands. The major reason for this is the lower contribution of fir trees to forest stands in the Sudety Mts. as compared with the Carpathians. In most plots the process of regeneration is long and extended over many years. Largest numbers of seedlings developed in years of good fir cone crops. An important role in the process of natural regeneration of Abies alba in the Sudety Mts. are played by type of site, kind of humus and herb layer density. Most of the studied forest stands in the Sudety are not dense, so the herb layer is well-developed, that strongly restrain fir regeneration especially in fartile soils.

Additional key words: ecology, permanents plots, site conditions.


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