
Jerzy Skrzyszewski, Kinga Skrzyszewska

Species conversion of spruce stands in the Wisła Forest District

Dendrobiology 2004, vol. 51supplement: 95-99 Full text (pdf)

Abstract: The paper provides some guidelines on the choice of the target species compositions for plantations that would replace monocultural spruce stands growing on the sites of the Silesian Beskid Mts. Part of the guidelines relates to the rules governing the sequence in which the monocultures will be converted into mixed stands. It is suggested that those rules should be combined with the principles of the establishment of progenyplantations. The seed stands of the Istebna spruce are experimentally divided into four categories according to their abilityto perform the function of a seed stand. The following features of the stands are analysed: vitality, density, stage of regeneration, protective and cultural functions. The paper contains also an outline of the methods of species conversion and the relevant references.


Additional key words: Picea abies, Istebna spruce, seed stand




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