61s: 91-93

Heinz Peter Schmitt, Joachim Heyder

Picea abies in Northrhine-Westphalia

Dendrobiology 2009, vol. 61supplement: 91-93

Full text (pdf)


Abstract: The Sauerland region of southern Westphalia has the most economic stands of Norway spruce in the state of Northrhine-Westphalia (Germany). As shown by historical research and genetic analysis, the seeds for these stands were imported from Thuringia around the year 1880. Therefore, the two states are collaborating closely to secure the genetic variety of the spruce and develop new sources of seed supply. The survival of the Hochsauerland Norway spruce is now under threat: these stands have already been harvested or are due for harvesting shortly, in addition, many of the older stands were destroyed by the gale "Kyrill" in 2007, and only a few stands have remained. Since its foundation, the Forest Gene Bank of Northrhine-Westphalia has taken the following measures to preserve the gene pool of the Hochsauerland spruce and conserve it in the long term: storage of seed from 100 representative trees in all the most valuable stands of spruce (since 1985); establishment of seed orchards; and establishment of replacement stands. Thanks to those measures, the genetic information of the Norway spruce stands of Thuringian origin has been secured, and substantial stocks of seed are available for reforestation.

Additional key words: Sauerland region, Norway spruce, survival, gene resources, seed storage, seed orchards


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