61s: 17-23

Diana Krajmerová, Roman Longauer, Marián Pacalaj, Dušan Gömöry

Influence of provenance transfer on the growth and survival of Picea abies provenances

Dendrobiology 2009, vol. 61 supplement: 17-23

Full text (pdf)


Abstract: Two provenance experiments with Norway spruce in Slovakia were used to reveal trends in the behaviour of provenances after their transfer. Regressions between the average height and survival of provenances and the differences between the geographic and selected climatic characteristics of the place of origin and provenance plots were significant for most of the characteristics tested. Data from the experiment with Polish and Slovak provenances from 1972 indicated that transfer into warmer regions with a longer vegetation period results in improved height growth and survival, with the exception of survival at initial stages. The experiment from 1964 with a broader altitudinal range of provenance plots, but with unadjusted latest measurements at individual plots available, revealed the best height growth of Slovak Norway spruce provenances after their transfer to sites with the mean annual temperature approximately 1°C higher and with the vegetation period 12 days longer than at places of origin. Transfer into lower altitudes, a warmer climate and a longer vegetation period improved survival. In both experiments, transfer to areas with increased rainfall had a negative effect on growth, which is probably associated with the fact that provenances are not able to exploit additional precipitation for the growth in areas with a colder climate and a shorter vegetation period.

Additional key words: breeding, global warming, adaptation


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