61: 03-11

Benjamín Jarčuška

Growth, survival, density, biomass partitioning and morphological adaptations of natural regeneration in Fagus sylvatica. A review

Dendrobiology 2009, vol. 61: 03-11

Full text (pdf) 


Abstract: Beech is an important woody species in terms of ecology, and it also has a considerable commercial value. This fact is also reflected in a high number of scientific papers handling the issue of natural regeneration of this woody plant. The aim of this review is to analyse influence of resources availability and impact of other factors (competition) on height and diameter growth, survival, density, biomass partitioning and morphological adjustment in naturally regenerated beech seedlings and saplings. It pays a particular attention to light – the factor that influences, directly or indirectly, other environmental factors, and consequently, as the key influence on the performance of beech natural regeneration. This contribution includes information about e.g. shade tolerance and mortality-light relationships, ability to increase growth under improved light conditions, dependence of trees growth on their individual size and age etc. In spite of a large number of papers handling the issue of research on beech natural regeneration, growth responses in individual plants are difficult to predict, because the factors involved are numerous. Thus, the process of natural regeneration is in fact interactive, and even retroactive: any change in one of the involved factors induces adjustments of the others.

Additional key words: aboveground resources, belowground resources, light, water, competition,


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