61: 27-36

Fatemeh Shayanmehr, Seyed Gholamali Jalali, Faezeh Ghanati, Davoud Kartoolinejad, Martha E. Apple

Two new morphotypes of Pinus eldarica: Discrimination by macromorphological and anatomical traits

Dendrobiology 2009, vol. 61: 27-36

 Full text (pdf)


Abstract: Pinus eldarica has been introduced to Iran from more than 800 years ago. Some individuals of this pine have altered both in shape and growth rate in northeastern of Iran, and generated two distinct morphotypes which are called Conical-shaped and Ball-shaped pines. This study was conducted to discriminate these morphotypes using macromorphological and anatomical characteristics. Results of macromorphological analysis showed significant differences both with univariate and multivariate analysis and consequently two new morphotypes were clearly separated from Mondell pine individuals. Furthermore, anatomical differences observed in Conical-shaped pine in comparison with two other pines, from some valuable taxonomical point of view traits such as cross-section form of needle, number of stomata per area, number and position of resin ducts etc. Furthermore, the existent difference in traits like cuticle thickness, stomata density, needle perimeter and length, state increasing the adaptation potential to aridity in Conical-shaped pine in comparison with two others. The differences of two new morphotypes demonstrate that they are new variants of Mondell pine and it is need to be used molecular markers and phylogenic studies for specifying the cause of these morphological and anatomical differences.


Additional key words: Mondell pine, Anomalous morphotypes, Anatomy, Statistical analysis



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