63: 77-98

Piotr Kosiński

The genus Rubus in the Bardo Mts (Central Sudetes)

Dendrobiology 2010, vol. 63: 77-98

Full text (pdf)


Abstract: This paper presents the results of detailed field investigations and herbarium studies on the occurrence of representatives of the genus Rubus L. in the Bardo Mts (SW Poland). For each species a short description, as well as horizontal and vertical distribution maps are provided. This region is one of the areas of the greatest concentration of bramble species in Poland, with 50 species being documented, of which 37 species were found there for the first time. Forty-eight species belong to the subgenus Rubus, one to the subgenus Idaeobatus and one taxon is of hybrid origin (nothosubgenus ×Idaeorubus). The subgenus Rubus is represented by 3 sections, 4 subsections and 20 series, among which the most numerous are Discolores (11 species), Glandulosi (7 species) and Rubus (4 species). The distribution and migratory patterns of particular species are discussed. In the bramble flora, transitional elements are prevalent (66%), while 9 species reach northern, 4 species western and 4 southern limits of their ranges. Presumably southern species did not immigrate directly from the south by the Międzylesie Pass, but rather through the foothill zone along the Sudetian fault line, from the Moravian Gate. The vertical distribution of most of the species was confined to the submontane belt. The study contributed significantly to the description of one species which is new to science and two species which have not previously been recorded in Poland.

Additional key words: Rosaceae, chorology, category of threat, Lower Silesia


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