63: 11-19

Wojciech Kraj, Tadeusz Kowalski

Identification of Heterobasidion spp. in Poland by RFLP analysis of laccase and manganese dependent peroxidase

Dendrobiology 2010, vol. 63: 11-19

Full text (pdf)


Abstract: Laccase and manganese dependent peroxidase (MnP) genes in H. annosum s.l. were studied by PCR-RFLP. The peroxidase genes MNP1a and MNP2 showed Heterobasidion species specific length differences. Among eighteen monomorphic markers which were found for investigated genes, three were characteristic for H. abietinum and five for H. annosum s.s. The remaining specific markers were characteristic for H. parviporum and H. abietinum (nine markers) or for H. parviporum and H. annosum s.s. (one marker). No specific marker for H. parviporum was detected. On the basis of monomorphic markers, intersterility groups of eighty one strains isolated from eleven forest tree or bush species in south Poland were identified. Fifty-three belonged to H. annosum s.s., twenty-five to H. parviporum, and three to H. abietinum. Strains belonging to H. annosum s.s. were isolated from Pinus nigra, P. strobus, P. sylvestris, Larix decidua, Picea abies, as well as from Alnus incana, Betula pendula, Padus avium, Quercus robur and Q. rubra. H. parviporum was isolated from Abies alba, Picea abies, Pinus nigra, P. sylvestris, Larix decidua and from Alnus incana. This is the first report of H. parviporum occurrence on Alnus incana in Poland. The ascertained H. abietinum strains derived from Abies alba. Our results demonstrate a new methodof Heterobasidion species identification based on the different length of MNP1a and MNP2 peroxidase genes and RFLP markers obtained for laccase and Mn2+ dependent peroxidase genes.

Additional key words: root rot, intersterility groups, laccase, manganese peroxidase, PCR-RFLP markers


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