68: 63-68

Petr Maděra, Miloslav Kohoutek, Martin Šenfeldr, Radomír Řepka

The population structure and regeneration of Sorbus torminalis in Hádecká planinka National Nature Reserve (Czech Republic)

Dendrobiology 2012, vol. 68: 63-68

Full text (pdf)

 Abstract: We performed a detailed overall field survey of all specimens of the wild service tree Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz in the research area in the Hádecká planinka National Nature Reserve. This research area, with an area of 80 ha, contains one of the largest populations of the tree in Europe. In all, 1713 specimens were found. This study provides a detailed description of the wild service tree population in the area. The basic biometric parameters (height, GBH, social position, fertility) of thepopulation were assessed. The main emphasis of our analysis was to evaluate the population's age structure. We used estimates of age structure based on the Chapman-Richards growth function to perform this evaluation. During the past twenty years, the natural regeneration of the wild service tree in the nature reserve has decreased considerably. At an experimental plot where a high forest was converted to a coppice with standards, regeneration occurred over 75% of the area. Root suckers were found at the beginning of the observation period. After 2–3 years, generative regeneration occurred.
Additional key words: wild service tree, age structure, forest systems, species protection

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