69: 49-58

Barbora Kučeravá, Lumír Dobrovolný, Jiří Remeš

Responses of Abies alba seedlings to different site conditions in Picea abies plantations

Dendrobiology 2013, vol. 69: 49-58 

Full text (pdf)


Abstract: Introduction of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) as one of the historically important coniferous tree species in Central Europe into allochthonous cultivated forests is an important task for contemporary and future generations of foresters. The aim of our work was to optimize the management of fir in allochthonous cultivated stands of National Park Ceské Švýcarsko formed mainly by Norway spruce (Picea abies /L./Karst.). The effects of light and soil conditions and game on the survival and growth of fir plantations were investigated. Browsing was determined as the limiting factor for fir reintroduction. Assessing the significance of edaphic conditions for the height increment of fir, favourable effect of luvisol could be demonstrated as compared to acidic soil. Canopy openness maximum of 30% and stand basal area of 30 to 43m2/ha with relative direct radiation of up to 45% and relative indirect radiation of up to 55% with prevalence of the diffuse component create optimal environmental conditions for the survival and sustainable growth of fir plantations in the spruce stand in regeneration.

Additional key words: silver fir, Norway spruce monoculture, artificial regeneration, browsing, National park Ceské Švýcarsko


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