71: 15-22

Vitas Marozas
Effect of the coniferous forest – grassland edge on ground vegetation in the mixed European forest zone, Lithuania

Dendrobiology 2014, vol. 71: 15-22

Full text (pdf)

Abstract: The objective of this study was to estimate the edge effect on the species richness in agriculturally

maintained forest-grassland boundaries of coniferous forest and to determine how species respond to a forest edge. We hypothesised that species number, cover of herbs and mosses is higher in the edge, and species penetrates from nearby grasslands into forest interior. The study was conducted in the Southwestern Lithuania. The edge effect on overall herbaceous species composition of coniferous forests was evaluated by Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The species richness of herbs and mosses in the coniferous forest was highest in the forest edge and declined towards interior. The highest decrease in the number of species occurred within 0 to 5 m to the edge. The highest cover of herbs and mosses was in the forest edge and decreased towards the forest interior. CCA biplot showed a good correlation of overall species composition and the distance to the forest edge. Distribution of species along edge to interior gradient depended on the species response to different ecological factors. Ellenberg value of light was higher in the edge. Ellenberg value of nitrogen was higher in the forest interior

Additional key words: canonical correspondence analysis, Ellenberg indicator values, forest edge effect, forest fragmentation, species richness


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