76: 35-49

Xiao Guo, Ren-Qing Wang, Cheng-Dong Wang, Fei Xu, Song Zhao, Wei-Hua Guo
Acer truncatum seedlings are more plastic than Quercus variabilis seedlings in response to different light regimes

Dendrobiology 2016, vol. 76: 35-49

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In this study, we investigated responses of the mid-successional species Acer truncatum Bunge and the late-successional species Quercus variabilis Blume to three solar illumination conditions: (1) constant low light (CL), (2) constant high light (CH) and (3) low light first and high light afterwards (LH). The last treatment was to simulate a canopy opening. Both species exhibited increases in biomass, totally and in part, and decreases in leaf water content, specific leaf area and chlorophyll concentrations in LH treatment compared to CL treatment. For A. truncatum, exposure to high light condition (LH) increased crown area, and decreased root to shoot ratio, stem mass ratio and leaf perimeter. However, for Q. variabilis, LH treatment increased stem diameter at ground height, effective quantum yield, photochemical quenching and decreased maximum photosystem II quantum yield. The biomass allocation pattern did not change in Q. variabilis among three light conditions. With respect to newly developed leaves, no significant differences were found in leaf size of Q. variabilis between LH treatment and CH treatment while that of A. truncatum decreased in LH treatment. All chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in newly developed oak leaves in LH treatment increased compared to those of CH treatment while no difference was found for A. truncatum between LH and CH treatment. A. truncatum displayed a greater overall plasticity than Q. variabilis although the oak seedlings have a greater plasticity with respect to chlorophyll concentration and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. A. truncatum should be a better candidate for vegetation recovery, especially in places with heterogeneous light conditions.

Keywords: irradiance acclimation, chlorophyll fluorescence, morphology, photoinhibition


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