80: 37-47

Zdeněk Špíšek, Andrea Uherková, Marek Svitok, Radim J. Vašut


Sorbus domestica L. at its northern Pannonian distribution limits: distribution of individuals, fruit shapes and dendrometric characteristics


Dendrobiology 2018, vol. 80: 37-47

Full text (pdf)



Fruit species play an important role in human nutrition. For this reason, they have been cultivated for millennia. Their cultivation and domestication have impacted species distribution considerably. Wild relatives of such species are often rare in Europe and are threatened by loss of habitat and landscape fragmentation. Knowledge of the distribution and biological characteristics of populations is crucial for further species conservation. We investigated the detailed distribution of the service tree (Sorbus domestica L.) in the White Carpathians, which represents the largest occurrence of the species at its northern distribution limit in Central Europe. We recorded 473 individuals in the studied region, compared their habitats, fruit type, dendrometric characteristics and the climate conditions at the sites. Our data suggest that the occurrence of the species is most likely of human origin and that the vast majority of trees grow in orchards, vineyards or on open landscape (72.7%). The comparison of fruit types has not revealed a strong pattern, although fruit types have apparently been selected by growers. Although most documented trees probably have an anthropogenic origin, they represent an important element in the landscape of Central Europe that requires protection.

Keywords: chorology, archaeophyte, fruit shape, dendrometric data


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