
Hoang Duong Xo Viet, Luiza Tymińska-Czabańska, Jarosław Socha


 Drivers of site productivity for oak in Poland


Dendrobiology 2022, vol. 88: 81-93

Full text (pdf)


The site index (SI) is the most commonly used and representative measure of the phytocentric approach; it evaluates the site productivity based on the stand height and age. In the case of mixed stands with complex structures, phytocentric methods are very limited, while in non-forest areas, they are not ap­plicable. In situations where the applicability of phytocentric methods is limited, the site productivity is de­termined by geocentric methods. Geocentric methods allow direct modelling of site productivity, expressed by SI predicted from various environmental variables. The aim of this study was to develop a geocentric model for oak. Site productivity expressed by SI was described by the environmental variables and stand characteristics. To develop the SI model, we used the data from 2490 NFI plots with dominant oak species (Quercus sessilis and Quercus robur). A generalized additive model was used in modelling site productivity. We documented a significant relationship between SI and the environmental variables, age of stands and stand density. Furthermore, the site productivity for oak is shaped by climate factors, soil type, geology, and altitude. The model developed based on the geocentric method, explained 55.1% of the variation of SI.

Keywords: site index, gam model, geocentric model, environmental effects


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