90: 39-46

Halil Barış Özel, Sezgin Ayan, Saadettin Murat Onat


The oil content and fatty acid composition of Fagus orientalis Lipsky seeds from different populations in Turkiye


Dendrobiology 2023, vol. 90: 39-46

Full text (pdf)


Knowledge of the nutrient content of edible seeds of oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) as a food resource for rural people, is incomplete and there is a need for studies that will provide this infor­mation. The seeds of oriental beech collected from 12 different locations in a primary distribution area of Turkey were investigated for their oil content and fatty acid composition. The fatty acid contents of these 12 different populations were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) of the fat­ty acids methyl esters (FAME). The seeds of the various tree populations were found to contain total oil amount ranging from 44.66% to 49.07%, which was primarily composed of oleic, linoleic, palmitic, and gadoleic acids. As the predominant unsaturated fatty acid, there was no difference among the populations in the percentage of oleic acid with the highest percentage of unsaturated fatty acids. As the primary satu­rated fatty acid, the highest palmitic acid content was determined in the Ordu-Akkuş population (13.85%), where the species made the optimal development, while the lowest value was determined in the Kahraman­maraş-Andırın population (7.14%), which is an isolated population of the species. In the study of oriental beech populations, palmitic acid was found in the major saturated fatty acids, on the other hand oleic, linoleic, and gadoleic acids were found in major unsaturated fatty acids. This study highlights the potential of oriental beech seeds as a nutrient-rich food source due to their high total fat content.

Keywords: linoleic acid, major unsaturated fatty acid, oriental beech, palmitic acid, saturated fatty acid


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