91: 1-15

Radosław Puchałka, Peter Prislan, Marcin Klisz, Marcin Koprowski,Jožica Gričar


Tree-ring formation dynamics in Fagus sylvatica and Quercus petraea in a dry and a wet year


Dendrobiology 2024, vol. 91: 1-15

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European beech Fagus sylvatica and Sessile oak Quercus petraea are reaching the north-eastern limits of their natural ranges in northern Poland. According to the projected changes in potential ranges in this region, climatic conditions for both species until 2080 will remain stable. On the other hand, a decrease in the vitality of mature trees and a reduction in their radial growth are currently observed. To understand these contradictory findings, we monitored the cambial activity in both species during two vegetation seasons. 2015 was characterized by a negative water balance, while 2017 was wet. This provided an opportunity to compare how the xylogenesis proceeds in diffuse-porous beech and ring-porous oak dur­ing contrasting in the summer precipitation seasons. The forming annual increments were sampled with Presler borer at variable time intervals depending on the leaf phenological phases. The cores were prepared using a sledge microtome and double-stained with safranin and astra blue. Observations of the phases of wood formation and measurements of the width of the forming increments were analysed on the microslide digital images. Differences in the dates of the phenological phases were analysed using Two-Way ANOVA, while the dynamics of the formation of annual increments were fitted to the Single and Double Gompertz function for beech and oak, respectively. The beginning of vessel formation started earlier in both seasons compared to previous studies. Inter-seasonal differences in the duration of spring phenological phases were insignificant for both species, while inter-species differences were significant due to physiological diversity between diffuse-porous beech and ring-porous oak. In dry 2015, cambial activity ceased sooner in both species than in 2017. Differences between oak and beech were insignificant in both years, but sta­tistically significant disparities existed within each species due to varying in precipitation seasons. Rainfall significantly elongated the duration of cambial activity and caused wider tree-rings. According to our study, despite predicted maintaining their climatic niche, both species, situated at the north-eastern cooler range boundary, are expected to produce wood at a lower rate due to the projected warmer central European cli­mate with increased heatwaves and summer droughts.

Keywords: climate change, meteorological extremes, wood formation, summer drought, xylogenesis


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