91: 56-69

Fatih Işık, Muhammet Bahadır, Halil İbrahim Zeybek,İlter Kutlu Hatipoğlu


Elevation-dependent growth trends of Picea orientalis (L.) Peterm forests in the Fırtına Creek Basin (Rize/Turkey)


Dendrobiology 2024, vol. 91: 56-69

Full text (pdf)



Changes in climatic conditions have ecological and economic consequences or impact for trees and forest stands. In this respect, it is crucial to understand the radial growth trends of trees, their ecolog­ical response across elevation gradients, and the possible impacts of climate change on the species. In this study, Picea orientalis (L.) Peterm, located in the Fırtına Creek Basin in the northern part of the Eastern Black Sea Mountains in northeastern Turkey, was investigated along different elevation gradients in the context of climate-growth response. In the study, six site chronologies along an elevation gradient from 900 m to 2050 m were developed. Dendroclimatological methods were applied to assess the elevation-dependent radial growth characteristics of trees. In total, 200 increment cores were collected from 98 living trees. The rela­tionships between climate and tree ring growth along the elevation gradient showed a positive relationship between growth and temperature at upper elevations (1700–1900 m) and a positive relationship between growth and precipitation at middle elevations (1400–1600 m). In particular, January–April mean tempera­tures and May rainfall were positively correlated with tree-ring growth. At lower elevations (900–1100 m), the correlation coefficients between climate and growth are insignificant because, at these altitudes, the species have optimum ecological conditions. It was also found that mean temperatures between 0 °C and 2 °C in January–April and total precipitation between 60 and 100 mm in January–February positively affect tree growth. However, if these thresholds are exceeded, it is possible that growth may be adversely affected. This research underscores the complex interplay between climate variables and tree growth along eleva­tion gradients, highlighting the need for adaptive management strategies in the face of changing climatic conditions

Keywords: climate change, elevation gradient, tree-ring analysis, GAMM, climate-tree growth


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