The Gender Equality Plan


The Gender Equality Plan is a set of actions aimed at promoting gender equality through institutional and cultural changes in research and innovation organizations.


The nomenclature adopted by the European Union uses the acronym GEP (Gender Equality Plan) to describe such plans.


For all calls of the Horizon Europe program with a deadline for submitting applications (deadline) starting from 2022, the Gender Equality Plan is mandatory and is a project eligibility criterion for all public entities, research units and universities from EU Member States and associated countries. From 2023, all these entities must have a GEP already at the time of submitting the application.


The Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences is conducting preparatory activities to implement the Gender Equality Plan.


By Order No. 3/2023 of January 23, 2023, the Director of the Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences appointed the Gender Equality Officer in the person of Ms. Katarzyna Szwed-Pietras.


We encourage to watch the following video:

gep screenshot 3 2


We also attach an introductory presentation to the subject of GEP:

obrazek prezentacja EN


We encourage to familiarize yourself with the publication entitled “Horizon Europe Guidance on Gender Equality Plans”.


By the Order No. 16/2023 of April 13, 2023, the Director of the Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, introduced the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) of the Institute of Dendrology PAS for the years 2023-2026.


The Gender Equality Plan was created to ensure that the Institute of Dendrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences develops as a scientific institution providing a safe and friendly workplace, free from discrimination, enabling all employees and doctoral students their scientific, professional and personal development. Furthermore, the Institute aims to ensure that
the principles of equality and diversity are respected and that all forms of discrimination
are eliminated. We want the Institute to be a place where all employees and doctoral students feel safe and where all employees and doctoral students have equal opportunities to develop, regardless of their origin, gender, age, religion or sexual orientation. Our aim is to support
the development of a community that operates in the spirit of equality, tolerance, and mutual respect.


Gender Equality Plan


Contact person:

Katarzyna Szwed-Pietras

Gender Equality Officer

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