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Michał Iwański

Community structure of ectomycorrhizal fungi of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands of different age

Ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi of Scots pine, processes and mechanisms that determines structure and dynamics of their communities, was the matter of this study. The aim of the study was to test three hypotheses:

  1. Community structure of EM fungi changes along the forest chronosequence;
  2. Inoculum availability determines community structure of EM fungi;
  3. Spatial heterogeneity of the environment determines the spatial organization of EM fungal communities.

In order to verify these hypotheses, three field experiments were established:

  • in chronosequence of Scots pine stands (ranging from 7 to 87 years)
  • with Scots pine seedlings planted at a edge of mature pine forest, in three treatments of different mycorrhizal inoculum availability;
  • with naturally regenerating Scots pine seedlings, growing in different micro-habitats of boreal forest. Objects of research were localized in Bory Tucholskie and in Finland (near Rovaniemi). Research procedure, employed in each experiment and which enabled quantitative and qualitative analysis of belowground community structure of EM fungi, consisted of morphological classification of ectomycorrhizas, and their subsequent molecular identification (PCR, sequencing of ITS rDNA, phylogenetic analysis).

Results of these experiments allowed to validate the hypotheses and to formulate following conclusions:

  • Species richness of the belowground EM fungal communities along the forest chronosequence changes marginally. Total species richness varied between 18 in the youngest stand to 27 in the oldest one. Mean species richness varied modestly, but significantly, and was the lowest in a youngest plots.
  • Belowground EM community composition changes markedly along the chronosequence of Scots pine stands. These changes are attributed mainly to: (i) decrease of species richness and abundance of Suillaceae, (ii) increase of species richness and abundance of Russulaceae;
  • Shifts in a EM fungal community along the forest chronosequence, is a continuous process of mycorrhizal recolonization after disturbance (clear-cut);
  • Variation of life-time strategies of EM fungi, in relation with the availability of different inoculum forms (spores, sclerotia, mycorrhizas, external hyphae) determines structure and dynamics of EM fungal communities,
  • Patchiness of the forest environment and niche differentiation of EM fungi affect the spatial distribution and diversity of the belowground EM fungal community.

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