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International Scientific Conference for Young Scientists

„Research and Practice in Forest Ecology”

Kórnik, 8-12 May 2024


film konf2024 

Dear Young Scientists,


we cordially invite you to participate in the International Conference “Research and Practice in Forest Ecology”, organized by the Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, in Kórnik, Poland, on 8-12 May 2024. The aim of the Conference will be to discuss the results of research in the field of forest ecology, including changes in forest ecosystems in local, regional and global terms, as well as to outline directions and perspectives for new research (including interdisciplinary studies) and to establish cooperation between research centers. The Conference is addressed to young scientists: students, PhD students and researchers with doctoral diploma up to 7 years after graduation. 

See you in Kórnik!


Prof. Andrzej M. Jagodziński



book of abstracts


Please click on the image to view the full version of the Book of Abstracts


 Tomaszewski Jagodziński eds 2024 Book of Abstracts 1


conference announcements 

First Call

NEW! Keynote Speakers

NEW! Workshops + Field Excursion



about the conference


konferencja idpan 2024 finansowanie 

The Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, is holding an international scientific conference entitled "Research and Practice in Forest Ecology" (KONF/SP/0200/2023/01) within the framework of the "Excellent Science II" program, announced by the Ministry of Education and Science on January 31, 2023. The funds received for the project amounted to PLN 154,110.00, which, with the support of PLN 62,900 received from the Zakłady Kórnickie Foundation, made it possible to achieve the planned project budget of PLN 217,010.00.


The aim of the Conference is to discuss the results of research in the field of forest ecology, taking into account the transformation of forest ecosystems in local, regional and global terms, as well as to outline the directions and prospects for new studies, including interdisciplinary, and to establish cooperation between scientific centers and practitioners. The project is aimed at young scientists, doctoral students and students involved in forest ecology in its broadest sense.


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W ramach dotacji Powiatu Poznańskiego na prace konserwatorskie, restauratorskie lub roboty budowlane przy zabytku, nasze Arboretum otrzymało środki na realizację projektu pt. Wyeksponowanie oryginalnych elementów zabytkowego ogrodu poprzez przebudowę odcinka alejek parkowych w Arboretum w Kórniku.


Przedsięwzięcie pn.: "Doposażenie sal edukacyjnych Instytutu Dendrologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Kórniku w sprzęt i pomoce naukowe potrzebne do prowadzenia edukacji przyrodniczej i ekologicznej" dofinansowano ze środków Wojewódzkiego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Poznaniu. 


Zakup sprzętu i oprogramowania, materiałów i pomocy dydaktycznych wykorzystywanych w działalności edukacyjnej Instytutu Dendrologii PAN oraz opracowanie i wydruk przewodników przyrodniczych dla dzieci.

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