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Piotr Giel

The effect of pH and calcium salt content in soil on development of the selected rhododendrons (Rhododendron sp.) in in vitro and in vivo cultures

Most species and varieties of rhododendron are characterized by weak growth in soil with high contents of calcium ions and high pH. Prolonged influence of these factors can even lead to atrophy of the plants.

The goal of experiments carried out was to study the effect of high concentration of calcium salts in soil on the development of selected taxa of rhododendron (R. ‘Catawbiense Grandiflorum', R. ‘Cunningham's White') and to identify which of the calcium salt components (cation Ca2+ or anion A-) may have adverse effect on development of the plants under study.

The research involved a study of influence selected salcium salts and high pH of soil have on development of R. ‘Catawbiense Grandiflorum' microcuttings in in vitro culture. Similar research was also conducted on seedlings and cuttings of rhododendron (R. ‘Catawbiense Grandiflorum', R. ‘Cunningham's White') in in vivo culture.

Parallel to the experiments conducted in in vivo culture, physiological tests have been carried out (content of photosynthetic pigments, a chlorophyll fluorescence, content of phenol compounds, sugar), aimed at identifying the effect of adverse soil conditions on plant metabolism and learning the mechanism of plant reaction to stress conditions.



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