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Ewa Turzańska-Oleksyn

Relationship between leaf structure and physiology within the Acer genus

The main aim of my study was to test relationships between leaf structure (morphological and anatomical traits) and gas exchange among different species within the genus Acer. l also explored the seasonal pattern of gas exchange, leaf structure, chemical composition and the influence of light on these traits. The studies were carried out on adult trees (82 taxons) and on 1-year old seedlings (5 species). Net photosynthesis, dark respiration, stomatal conductance and density, specific leaf area, mesophyll and epidermis thickness were measured along with carbon, nitrogen and nonstructural carbohydrates concentrations. Contrary to the initial hypothesis l did not found statistically significant relationships among photosynthesis, nitrogen concentration, specific leaf area and leaf lifespan within the Acer genus. However, statistically significant relationships between these traits were observed in experiments with seedlings grown in different light conditions. My study revealed statistically significant relationship between net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in all experiments conducted both on adult trees and seedlings, indicating that for species within that genus stomatal limitations are among the main factors controlling gas exchange.


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