87: 69-78

Lucas Mazal, Dov Corenblit, Boris Fumanal, Irène Till-Bottraud


Black poplar establishment on alluvial bars: seed rain homogeneity over a few kilometres


Dendrobiology 2022, vol. 87: 69-78

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Supplementary materials (pdf)


The Black poplar is a pioneer tree species occurring along many river courses across Europe. Seedlings establish at very high density and experience various stresses (e.g., hydric, mechanical). In a previous study conducted in 2017 on the same population we described the fine-scale genetic structure (FSGS) of three age cohorts (5, 10 and > 20 years old) and found a significant SGS in the younger cohort. In this study, we aim to determine the FSGS in Black poplar cohorts of one-year-old seedlings, which is the most informative about seed dispersal.We used microsatellite markers to explore the FSGS of four different patches of Back poplar seedlings from two riverbanks in the Val d’Allier National Natural Reserve (France). We found a high genetic diversity and detected no FSGS in any of the four sampled seedlings patches. The absence of SGS at the seedling stage suggests that in this natural population, seeds from different mother trees are widely dispersed, well mixed and are deposited homogeneously on the various germination sites available over few kilometres.


Keywords:  SGS, spatial genetic structure, FSGS, fine-scale spatial genetic structure


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