
Maciej Kuss

Die-back of grafts in the clonal seed orchards of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziensii [Mirb.] Franco) in Poland and attempts at producing seedlings of this species by autovegetative propagation

Dendrobiology 2002, vol. 47suppl: 93-100 Full text (pdf)

Abstract: So far, experience in the existing clonal seed orchards of Douglas-fir indicates that grafts of this species are short-lived. According to research carried out in North America, incompatibility between the grafted scions and the rootstocks happens during the whole period of growth and development in clonal seed orchards of Douglas-fir. A similar phenomenon occurs in the clonal seed orchards of Douglas-fir in Poland. The extent of die-back of grafts was examined in three existing oldest units in the Forest District of Gniewkowo (founded in 1992-1993; 2.80 ha), the Forest District of Leżajsk (founded in 1995, 4.22 ha) and the Forest District of Łopuchówko (founded in 1993, 7.43 ha). In all these areas, losses due to die-back ranged from a dozen to a few dozen per cent. Die-backs in the clonal seed orchards in the Forest District of Gniewkowo and in the Forest District of Łopuchówko are now reduced to as much as about fourty per cent of grafts. Analyses of die-back in all these areas reveal great variation between individual clones, indicating its genetic basis. Research carried out so far has not demonstrated the presence of any pathogens responsible for causing the die-back in the grafts. Some hope to solve the problem mentioned above arises from attempts at autovegetative propagation of Douglas-fir.

Additional key words: grafting, vegetative propagation, rooting


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