
Zdenka Procházková, Lena Bezdecková, Jarmila Martincová and Eva Palátová

Quality of beechnuts from different crop years

Dendrobiology 2002, vol. 47suppl: 39-42 Full text (pdf)

Abstract: Fresh and stored beechnuts collected in 1992, 1995, 1998, 1999 and 2000 were tested for viability and in 1998, 1999 and 2000 also for germination. Germination parameters such as peakvalue, mean weekly germination (modified mean daily germination), germination capacity, and germination value (Czabator 1962) were calculated from the germination test data and these indicators were also used for comparing beechnut quality. The highest viability for pre-stored beechnuts occurred in 1998 (80%) and this increased by 4% when these seedlots were stored for 1.5 years. Viability of fresh beechnuts collected in 1992, 1995 and 1999 was 64, 73 and 77%, respectively. Viability of 1995-collected beechnuts decreased after 3 years storage. Germination of fresh seeds was only done for the 1998, 1999 and 2000 collections where the best germination occurred for the 1998 collection. Germination of beechnuts collected in 1992 and 1995 was significantly reduced after 3 and 6 years of storage, respectively, while beechnuts collected in 1998 and stored for 1.5 years germinated about 15% better than fresh seeds of the 1999 crop. The peakvalue, mean weekly germination and the time required for viable seeds to reach 80% germination showed that the 1998 crop had the highest, overall quality. Eighty percent of the viable seeds collected in 1998 germinated in 9-10 weeks while fresh beechnuts from 1999 needed nearly 13 weeks to germinate, as did beechnuts collected in 1992 and stored for 7 years. Besides the germination capacity the germination value seems to be the very good indicator for determining the quality of stored beechnuts.

Additional key words: Fagus sylvatica, germination, viability, storage, germination value


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