68: 55-62

Ioanna Katsavou, Petros Ganatsas

Ecology and conservation status of Taxus baccata population in NE Chalkidiki, northern Greece

Dendrobiology 2012, vol. 68: 55-62

Full text (pdf)

 Abstract: Taxus baccata L. is a rare species threatenedwith extinction in Greece, as in other parts of Europe. This paper deals with the ecological status of the species in the area of NE Chalkidiki northern Greece, where the species appears in one of the greatest populations of the country. Site, standand yew population characteristics were studied in the area that species occupies. Eleven sample plots were marked, and on each plot, the height and diameter at breast height (DBH) were measured for all yew trees, as well as for all the individuals of the rest tree species, with diameter at breast height greater than 4 cm. Tree vitality of all trees was also estimated according to IUFRO classification. Yew radial growth was studied using tree-ring analysis. Tree natural regeneration was investigated within subplots of different dimensions and according to two height classes. Results showed that yew population occurs in stands dominated by beech, presenting a mean density of 301 trees per hectare, with a total population of 430 trees with DBH above 4 cm. It forms the secondary stand, and dominates in the stand understorey, accompanied with Fagus sylvatica and Ilex aquifolium, while it appears rarely in the overstorey. Yew tree vitality was foundto be quite high, and significantly higher than that of beech. Radial growth of the sampled trees follows a slow and constant annual increment gradually decreasing by tree age. Yew natural regeneration was foundto be relatively low, 1341.8 individuals (seedlings and saplings up to 1 m) per hectare. Management and in situ conservation of the species in the area should focus on species protection measures, andon specific silvicultural treatments for creating favourable conditions for species growth.

Additional key words: stand structure, forest regeneration, radial growth


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